Prattaugan Museum & Archives

Prattaugan Museum & Archives
Street address: 

102 E. Main St.
Prattville, AL 36067

Open M–F 10–4.

102 E. Main St.
Prattville, AL 36067


Sponsored by Autauga Co. Heritage Assn., museum dedicated to historical preservation of Autauga Co. Features Daniel Pratt memorabilia, local family history, Civil War room, county artifacts. Genealogy information access.

The Heritage Center is a combination museum-archives-visitor information center and provides offices for Autauga County Heritage Association and Historic Prattville Redevelopment Authority. In addition, the house is headquarters for Autauga Genealogical Society and Prattville Dragoons, Camp 1524 of Sons of Confederate Veterans.

The facility was made available for the above described purposes by the generosity of Mr. Charles Rice and his sister, Mrs. Mary Wood Waite. Upon Mrs. Waite's death in 1994, Mr. Rice, by previous agreement with her, donated the home to the Heritage Association for use as a museum.

The museum contains artifacts and memorabilia from both Pratt and the early years of Autauga county.

In the central hallway of the house are painting of notable people from Autauga's past and a lifesized bust of Daniel Pratt, carved from the wood of a catalpa tree, is in the Pratt Room. Watercolors of Autauga scenes are displayed throughout the house. One room contains old photographs.

A portrait of Abbie Holt Smith hangs over the mantle in the Dragoon Room and photographs of Shadrach and Elizabeth Mims decorate the Mims Room which serves as the office of the Heritage Association. Mr. Mims was Autauga County's most illustrious historian.

In the back yard is an artesian well, continuously flowing clear, pure water. These wells, once prevalent throughout the city, contributed to Prattville's being called "The Fountain City".

The Archives Room contains a collection of local and family histories, genealogies, old newspapers and other records from the past. Its computer database contains over 100,000 records.

The Smiths had two young boys who created a continual disturbance in their upstairs room in the main house. The Little House was built because Mr. Smith believed that "boys and dogs belong in the yard". Pen and ink drawings of familiar scenes from Autauga's history beautify the interior of the Little House. It is used today as a board room for the Autauga County Heritage Association and is available for small group meetings.

Located in the heart of Historic Downtown Prattville, the Heritage Center is easily accessible to visitors seeking information about both the city and the county. Serving as adjunct to the Prattville Area Chamber of Commerce, the Center welcomes visitors and provides maps and brochures. Books, prints and gifts are available for purchase.


Mobility Impaired (ramps, designated parking spaces)

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