First White House of the Confederacy
644 Washington Ave.
Montgomery, AL 36104
644 Washington Ave.
Montgomery, AL 36104
1835 Italianate-style house was home to President and Mrs. Jefferson Davis while capitol of Confederacy was in Montgomery. Home completely furnished with period pieces from 1850s and 1860.
Going 1-85 South (from Atlanta), take exit #1/Union St. and turn right onto So. Union toward State Capitol. Go 0.7 mi. and turn left onto Washington. First building on left – 644 Washington Ave. House on the corner of Union and Washington. Handicap entrance on Union side. Going from I -65 either from Mobile or Birmingham turn onto I-85 North; take exit #1/Court St. take an immediate left onto Arba St. Go to Union, turn left, go 0.7 mi and turn left on Washington, First building on left – 644 Washington Ave. House on corner of Union and Washington. Handicap entrance on Union side.
Mobility Impaired (support bars for toilets, wheelchair-level restroom sinks)
Hearing Impaired (visual alarm smoke detectors)