
Billy Sparks with his wife, led the wagon
train from Butts County Georgia in
November of 1878.
In 1878, the Boaz area was settled by a group of 47 people who left Butts County, Georgia on November 1, 1878. Upon their arrival, they lived in tents while they built homes.

This picture shows the area where the Vanity Fair Outlet
Center is now located. Poplar Springs Church is in the
background. A house had burned and neighbors brought
logs to help the family rebuild.
Several years later, one of the individuals donated a generous amount of land for churches and civic buildings.
In 1897, the town was named Boaz after the Biblical character mentioned in the Book of Ruth. That same year, it was also incorporated.
Settlers were first attracted to the area because of the rich soil, abundant timber and wild game that was located on the Sand Mountain Plateau.
The Southern Pine tree was a great resource for the settlers because it was easy to saw and mill into lumber needed to build farm homes, barns and other buildings.

Wagons of cotton at the cotton gin
in Boaz, Alabama.
The early Settlers were good farmers. Corn, garden vegetables and fruit trees were planted to provide food.
Cotton was the cash crop for the South and Boaz area farmers worked the land to raise cotton for money.
The cotton gin was one of the first industries in the Boaz area.
This area is called Sand Mountain because of the sandy soil.

The Norris Melon was developed by Herschel Norris.
(Top - Left to Right: EMC Mann, Ed Whitman, Herschel Norris)
Many local farmers became well known for their fine crops of Watermelons, and Sugar Cane was processed into Sand Mountain Sorghum Syrup.
Boaz is a great place ...
- Factory Outlet Shopping draws thousands of new visitors to Boaz every year. All major brands of clothing, household items and other popular products are available in the numerous outlet and reatil stores.
- Boaz is also home to several antique and specialty shops and discount furniture stores.
- Boaz Promotions Committee sponsors special entertainment events throughout the year.
- Annual Harvest Festival each fall in Downtown Boaz features arts and crafts, Indian performances and displays, antique automobiles and hot rods, local bands and dance groups, Miss Harvest Festival Pageant, and great food served the Sand Mountain way - with a smile.
- Paradise Park is a First Class baseball and softball complex that hosts major tournaments in Boaz each year.
- Recreation Department provides year-round sports activities and an excellent swimming pool facility during summer months. Special events and announcements are listed on the Community Bulletin Board.
- Several good Hotels and fine Restaurants are located in Boaz including the major fast food chains.
- Snead State Community College has been a major cornerstone in Boaz since 1899.